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Ultrasound saving times, lives and money - WKYC

Feb. 2016 - Any woman who's had a mammogram and was called back for an ultrasound knows how stressful that can be. But new technology is helping doctors not only find cancers earlier, but also save time and money. Aixplorer®, a state-of-the-art ultrasound system, allows doctors to immediately identify cancer or diseases through a non-invasive approach.

ShearWave Elastography for Breast - Dr Schillings Testimonial
SuperSonic Imagine's ShearWave Elastography helps reduce biopsies worldwide - Fox News
"New breast cancer screening device saves Knoxville woman’s life"

By Lori Tucker, WATE (ABC) - Knoxville, TN, WATE - Six News at Six

Dr. James Trotter - Hepatology Baylor University Medical Center - USA

Le Dr Trotter décrit les bénéfices clinique d'Aixplorer en hépatologie (en anglais).

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