Press Articles
Ultrasounds Lead To 50% Reduction In Breast Biopsies
August 6th, 2015 "Many women will agree that mammograms are uncomfortable while there is no pain associated with ultrasound or while using ShearWave Elastography (this is the color map technology used). Downtime is dependent on each patient but it can be a afternoon or a day. A lot of the anxiety around the procedure, most of which comes from the unknown outcome of the biopsy, is decreased." |
SuperSonic Imagine aims to reduce biopsies with ultrasound
3rd of August, 2015 French imaging company SuperSonic Imagine thinks its new imaging systems can change the biopsy game for the better, according to an interview with founder and chief strategic and innovation officer Jacques Souquet. |
Ultrasound system sharpens paediatric hepatic imaging
6th of March, 2015. Ask about UltraFast ultrasound and you might expect a technical answer explaining why the ultrasound is faster. However, for Stéphanie Franchi-Abella MD, fast means just fast, an ultra-quick acquisition she can take of a squirming, agitated new-born in the blink of an eye. ‘These babies are small and breathing rapidly, the organs are moving fast in the image and it’s sometimes difficult to record Pulsed Wave Spectral Doppler in their vessels that are small. |
Real-time ShearWave Elastography: new Applications for Evaluating the Liver
January 2015, by Pr V. Vilgrain. The Technique of ShearWave Elastography has recently been shown to be applicable to in two very different patient populations.
Over the past decade, several studies have clearly demonstrated the usefulness of the technology of ShearWave Elastography (SWE) in the accurate, non-invasive and quantitative assessment of liver stiffness [1, 2]. ShearWave Elastography was pioneered and developed by the French company SuperSonic Imagine and was used in the studies described in this article. Download Pr Vilgrain article |